The fourth of July has come and gone and the summer seems to be flying by. My pumpkins are already streaked with orange! The zucchini are ripening at a steady rate now and I am harvesting more cucumbers then I know what to do with. The Little Sweety cantaloupes and Blacktail Mountain watermelons grow larger with each passing day. Sometimes the difference in size from one day to the next is almost startling! I hope to have a time lapse video of one of my cantaloupes from my plant cam to post later this summer, if all goes according to plan. I am not nearly so intimidated by curcurbits as I was at the beginning of this growing season. I now feel confident that I can have success with these crops by choosing the right varieties. A little research is all it takes, then just give it a try. If it doesn’t work out, simply keep trying until you find what works best.
The tomato plants are loaded with blossoms and tomatoes, but I have yet to pick my first ripe one. They are all still very green. The blackberries have changed from green to red, and I am watching them closely now. A chipmunk has made his burrow directly behind the brambles and I will be a real challenge to get the first sweet, ripe berry before he does.
Petunias are in full bloom now, and I am ridiculously proud of them. I will likely try to repeat my success next year. The sunny marigolds and sweet little black violas will definitely be worth another go as well. I may add snapdragons to my list of annuals to start next spring. My Nan always grew them when I was small, and I loved to make their little “jaws” open and snap shut again. They also make a nice addition to a summer salad as they are edible.
In the shade garden, the columbine have faded, but the bleeding heart continues to bloom and hardy geraniums have opened in all shades of purple. The plumbago has many buds and I am anxiously checking each day for the first of them to bloom. Such a deep shade of blue is extraordinary and eye-catching which makes it one of my personal favorites.
The daylilies are fading fast, but the Orienpet Lilies are just beginning to flower, and the fragrance is intoxicating. Summer may seem to move by quickly, but there is still so much left to do and see, so much more that is still to happen. Happy gardening!
Check out my late June/early July garden images!