By presprouting I mean to say getting the seeds to sprout before planting them in any kind of growing medium. I do this by placing the seeds in a damp paper towel of cotton cloth and putting it in a zipper baggy then placing that in a sunny, warm location.
I figured it works for peas, why not try it with other seeds? I started with the peppers and eggplants and within a few days I had sprouts that were ready for planting in seed trays. Next up were the squash and cucumbers. They took a little longer to germinate, but I had an excellent germination rate (around 90%) after about a week and a half.
As always when it comes to gardening, if something doesn't work out, there is always something else to try. If a particular method doesn't work for you, try a new one, if a certain plant variety fails or produces poorly, do a little research and try a different one. Everyone has a green thumb if they are willing to be open to fresh ideas and new information.
Keep at it and you will eventually succeed beyond your expectations!