The second round of seed-started is complete. This weekend Swiss chard, beets, zinnias, sunflowers, parsley, sweet marjoram, butterfly weed, sweet basil, and ground cherries got their start. The ground cherries were a last minute decision and weren't included in my garden plans, so I will have to figure out where I will plant them at some point. From the seeds started last weekend, the kohlrabi, cabbages, and kale are up and growing nicely. The Black Krim tomatoes were just beginning to sprout this morning, so I expect the other tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants to follow soon.
The weather has been exceptionally cold this month and it's hard to believe that this isn't all happening a little early, but I keep reminding myself that this is how it happens every year, and every year it works out. February always seems so brutal that it's extra nice to see green things sprouting, even if it is in trays under lights.
Planning is part of the fun of gardening, so for now, I will just enjoy dreaming and preparing, and patiently waiting for spring.
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