Thursday, April 4, 2013


Despite the freezing temperatures and lack of sunny days this March, the Merlo Nero Spinach and Dwarf Blue Scottish Kale that I planted in containers in the greenhouse have sprouted and are growing nicely. I am particularly excited about the Kale because this is my first attempt at growing it. As I do with most of my vegetable plant varieties, I chose the dwarf variety because of my limited gardening space. I also decided to start some more Extra Dwarf Pak Choi over the weekend since the chipmunks managed to get in and raid what I had planted earlier. I now take my cat Paulie to the greenhouse to make daily rounds and check for mice or chipmunks. I haven’t had anymore visitors of that sort since.

The weather is taking a lot longer to break than usual and I am starting to worry that my tomato plants will get too large under the grow lights before it is warm enough to move them out to the greenhouse to toughen up a bit.

The dark puple crocuses are blooming now and the daffodils are loaded with flower buds. I am so anxious for it to actually feel and look like spring. This has been a particularly dreary and consistent winter with very few breaks of mild weather and I am ready to see it go. Still, I suppose it’s better than having a false start to spring to coax all the trees to leaf out and flowers to bud just to be frozen off in a nasty cold snap. Slow and steady is best I suppose. 

Bring on April!

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